The Perfect Refugee - 2011 July - SA
Change Media worked with 13 new arrivals and young refugees from Buthan and several African countries as well as Australian Refugee Association staff over 2 days, to continue training in film narratives, interview techniques and digital media skills as part of our 3-year multi-arts project, The Perfect Refugee.
During the 2 days, the participants engaged in comedy concepts and developed ideas for several projects.
Each team pitched their ideas as 5-point story plan. They also started creating their own digital storyboards and continued intermediate camera and interview training. Ideas presented included: How to Laugh in English?, Racist Car and Love Story Music Video.
The participants worked on their main project ‘How To Laugh In English’. They used Image Creation techniques they’d learned at the Forum Theatre workshop in May 2011. They continued to work on their own digital storyboards for their individual films. The team also improved their camera work on HDV Sony Z1 cameras and started post production training on Final Cut 7.
Australia Council for the Arts
Australian Refugee Association Inc
Bell Shakespeare Company
Buthanese Community Association SA Inc
Victorian College for the Arts Centre for Cultural Partnerships