
Power & privilege: exploit / appreciate

This gang see themselves as curious, but forget they have a subjective perspective that frames how they interpret the world. With this narrow lens they can exploit and colonize others. They often feel they leave their privileges behind as they have ventured into spaces that are new or foreign to them but lack the mindfulness to question what power and privileges they bring into this space. They are excited to journey to the fringes and bring back exotic tales of disadvantage and bravery.

Disrupt: How do you interpret the world?

Reframe: How can we nurture mindfulness?







Cool Hunter

Cool Hunter




Fan: I think most people are intolerant, but I love working with marginalised people. I really feel I belong and even though I might be in charge, it's like we are a big happy family. Sometimes I mimic them, so they feel accepted. I show I care for them and it's really not surprising they often fall in love with me.

Spy: I’m a curious researcher and objective evaluator. I am really curious, that's a good thing, so it's unlikely I have a negative impact on the group. I am interrogating the group and their work because I think it is innovative, but they only get published because of my research. I believe it is possible to conduct objective evaluations, it's not a conflict of interest that my research funding has caveats.

Tourist: I venture out, bring progress and represent the marginalised. I take a huge risk to venture into the margins of society, of course they should be grateful. I could be making lots of money elsewhere. It is really exotic to work out there, I get used to the poverty, but I couldn't live there. I can continue my good work when I get back, and share their stories of resilience, like a cultural ambassador.

Coolhunter: I’m a trend-spotter, I extract meaning and break new ground. I can make anything trend and I am willing to go to the end of the earth to find new stuff. Their culture is too cool to let it go to waste, I can show them how to turn it into a brand. I like to recontextualize old traditions and turn it into something new.

Witness: I hunt the truth and broadcast it. I am searching for the truth, and sometimes I harass people to get a story. It wouldn't be broadcast if I didn't do the work. It can be painful to share, but we need to get into the audiences hearts and minds, and tears and laughter sell.