What Privilege? Card Features

The 50 CARDS and 3 JOKERS can be used for personal reflection or in group GAMES.

The front of the cards presents a 'character role’, with a Super Power to control a shared human value.

There are 10 GANGS [with shared oppressive behaviour] of five characters, each targets one of five F.E.A.R.S. see info below

On the back of the cards there are 3 values and systematic advice to justify their privilege and 'win'.

Why colonizing character cards?

Each character hides their violence behind their ‘common sense’ values, their well-intended beliefs and pseudo-inclusivity, but don't be fooled, they are the organizing force (and pacifying and enabling power) behind the shock doctrine of intersectional violence.

Each online card has Notice, Disrupt and Reframe questions to support us to challenge these behaviours.

click on the image below to view the 50 cards

Why Gangs?

We identified ten gangs that exhibit a particular style of power from dominating 'leaders' to 'enforcers' to 'helpers' maintaining the status quo.

The 10 Gangs helped us clarify individual behaviours, but they are not prescriptive, as privilege and power are opportunistic, competitive and highly adaptable.

Like bullying in our societies, these violent behaviours are interconnected, and can super-charge an individuals power. Competitors can use the gangs to recognize roles that might serve their agenda, especially useful when forming lobby groups. read more here.


Why F.E.A.R.S.?

In light of inevitable global crises, we have developed the ironic concept of F.E.A.R.S. as a lens to understand privilege as a wicked system of five intersecting, inteconnected and interdependent key issues, combining a messy tangle of threats.

Our 50 characters, organized in their 10 gangs, use the F.E.A.R.S. to bolster their power of influence and privilege of access to resources – they instill FEARS into everyone, as a warning to anyone opposing or scrutinizing their methods. read more here.