Reframe - what's next?

Personal change - what do I really want?
What risks am I willing to take?
How open am I to change? What excites me?
What do I need to change my approach? What is possible now or later?
Now that I have disrupted, how far will I go?
How will I express conflict and emotions?
How can I acknowledge my privilege with the group and participate on a peer level?
What can I do with the group to ensure they can continue without me?

Renegotiate group values and relationships - what is a life well lived?
How do we renegotiate this equitably?
What would it take to look for the third story? Their story, your story, my story - can we combine them into a shared story?
How can we establish a peer exchange?
What are our shared vision, beliefs, value? And what are our differences?
How can we discuss together what is at stake for all?
How can we share power?
How can we change the story?

Actions and examples - what actions can we take?
How can we shift our goals? What would a shared future look and feel like?
What examples do we know of? Are there any alternatives, if not, why not?
Who can we ask for support? How can we tailor the solutions together?
How can we practice non-violent group processes?